Newborn Photography

Read on to find out what is recommended to get the Newborn Photos done and other FAQ's

When is the best time to get the Newborn Photos?

Well, It is best recommended that newborn photos are done in the first 5-15 days of the baby's birth. WHY?

  1. They are still in the curly phase, and their bodies are still getting used to the external environment but they love to be curled up and swaddled, which reminds them of mommy's womb.
  2. They are sleepy - your baby is just out of the womb and they love to sleep, which makes it easier to pose them and get pictures done. As we delay the photo shoot, they are much more active and want to see the world around them. This makes it harder to get them in curly poses and swaddle them.

What if I missed the first 15 days window for a baby photoshoot?

Babies are considered newborns until the first 6 weeks. We can work with them as a newborn till then although certain poses won't be possible as their little bones are much harder than they were a month ago. It is a very baby-led photoshoot. I don't force any pose on the babies and we go with the flow of the newborns!

What if my Baby is premature?

Premies once out of the hospital are just as good as newborns. I consider their bodies are in the same process of growth as they were in the womb so if the baby is 2 weeks early, we can get pictures done until 4 weeks as their technical due date is still 2 weeks in advance. Although it also depends on baby weight here so its better we talk to photographer to get best advice for your special case.

Why Pre-book? I want to wait and see how my wife and baby feel.

I understand your point and completely respect your decision. But check out my points below -

1. Last-minute bookings are not a guarantee that you will get in on the calendar.

2. Once the baby is here you want one less thing to be worried about. Pre-planning helps you to be on my calendar and if momma or the baby needs more time, I am more than happy to be flexible and schedule it as per your liking.

3. Both parents are at home in this phase so scheduling is a breeze as we don't have to sync with the partner's calender.

WHAT IS PROCESS FOR PRE_BOOKING a newborn photoshoot when I am not sure of the date?

I. Chose the Package

I take limited newborns in a month. Once you have decided on the package and what exactly you are looking for, connect me via the contact form. I will share if I have the availability for that month left or not.

II. Get on Calender

Once availability is clear, we are good to go. I will send the booking link for you as per your due date. I know babies have their own schedule but this helps me keep track of the expecting babies for that period. Retainer is paid and you are all set.

III. Schedule the photoshoot

Once the baby is here, parents are encouraged to contact me in 24-48 hrs. I will share the open dates and they can schedule it accordingly. Once the date is fixed we are all set to go ahead for creating memories with your brand-new baby.